KEY POINTS | Self-Learning technology provides more opportunities to use automation robotics in manufacturing finishing systems > Suction blow-off robots increase throughput by 20% > Automated drying processes reduce energy consumption


Derek DeGeest, President of DeGeest Corporation & Lesta USA, and Brad Ruppert, Engineering Manager and Application Specialist at DeGeest Corporation, have a passion for new technology.

When they can apply that to the manufacturing finishing process, it gives them no end of pleasure. They were excited to announcea new product to their arsenal of efficiency-minded, process-improvement robots. This latest technology isn’t just new to North America, but the world. Introducing Lesta’s new self-learning suction blow off robots.

As DeGeest Corporation was putting in their self-learning fully automated finishing system, they identified a problem –how were intricate parts dried during the pre-treatment stage?

These parts have lots of areas where water clings. Traditional blow-dry and heating methods would not work for DeGeest’s situation. An idea came up to use Lesta robot technology to complete the drying task, and that’s when Ruppert and the rest of the DeGeest engineering team went to work.

“This is a problem that is dealt with in every system in every way it’s set up,” Ruppert said.

“If you’re applying a coating and you’re using a wash or a wand wash to clean that part, there’s always residual left. In many of the applications in my previous positions, you generally had a guy standing there with ladders and blow off. You try to task them with a couple of other things, because it is very monotonous.”

The easiest way around doing this method is to heat dry it, but the temperature required to heat these parts and the time it takes to dry them make it cost-prohibitive. With Ruppert’s team’s reengineered robot designed to handle the dry off process, DeGeest created a fully automated finishing process.

One of the main benefits of these suction blow-off robots and their ability to fully dry parts before entering the oven and curing process stage is that ovens can now run at lower temperatures and in less time. Not only does this speed up the overall process, but it costs less to run.

Looking for a company with a commitment to long-term innovation and service? The answer’s simpler than ever – DeGeest.

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